
Jump-Start Your Human Quality
Core Practices
Are you pursuing:
Personal change and progress through self-discovery and realization?
Interpersonal enrichment – hoping to improve relationships?
Improvement of your groups (family, community, workplace, etc) by enhancing their atmosphere, culture or functioning?
Whichever is the case for you, they each have underlying patterns of working and living which can be changed. It all begins with growing and engaging our inherent “human capacity” – or “human quality.” Real progress – personal, interpersonal, group – is underpinned by our individual human quality, and begins with the regular steps we take towards growing and engaging that inherent capacity – which can then drive the changes we want.
A first step is to awaken our sense of our inherent Human Quality – through some core practices – which are basic activities and habits that foster and engage our innate perceptiveness, creativity, honor, simplicity and authenticity – which in turn can shape new patterns of thought, activity and lifestyle.
You don’t have to have any specific cultural, belief, lifestyle or learning background to do this.
The full video program is built into the course “Engaging Your Inner Talisman.” You can also work on these through Talisman’s consultation services. You can also just watch the teaser video here.

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