Why Talisman?
What is “Human Capacity”?
Human Capacity, aka Human Quality (HCQ) – the primary “commodity” of TDS – is the spectrum of potential perceptiveness, understanding, insight, attributes, gifts, authenticity, creativity, honor, accord and initiative that is possessed by the people in a setting.
Building the conditions that evoke and maximize human capacity enables us to achieve a higher degree of betterment, effectiveness, meaning and creativity across all levels of our living and working circumstances. Tapping the fuller humanity of situations like this can slowly transform them, will cultivate satisfaction and well-being, and can improve success and quality. This is what it means to better humanize life and work for individuals, groups and organizations. Helping clients create this is TDS’s aim.
The Metaphor of the Talisman
The metaphor of the talisman as a symbol of human potential is inspired by several literary and historical sources.
In mythology and other forms of fiction, a talisman is an object endowed with hidden power and virtue. Under the right circumstances, the talisman's potentials can be unlocked, harnessed and wielded to produce extraordinary results.
In reality, a human being is the ultimate metaphoric "talisman" – filled with latent qualities and capacities just waiting to be discovered and expressed. The more these attributes and abilities are revealed and practiced by and among people, the more coherent, fulfilling, resilient and effective will be our individual lives, our relationships and work, our groups and families, our organizations and systems, our communities and cultures. Indeed, awakening the "human talisman" can help us achieve positive transformations in our circumstances. But like the fictional talisman, the right ingredients are needed to tap into the capacities of human nature, and it’s necessary to align to the right conditions in order for them to be evoked and applied.
There’s a “magic” in all of us – metaphoric for our truer humanity, our HCQ. Using the psychological skills and interactive processes within TDS’s programs/services, the deep reservoirs of Human Capacity can be managed so that the real-life magic of heart, mind, motive, volition, manner, words, action and interaction can be humanized and realized, which will optimize our life and impact our work.
How Does Talisman Go About This?
Distinguishing Philosophy and Approach
Integrative Knowledge & Style
Working through the joining of science, art and spirituality, TDS takes a unifying view of the whole client and context.
Combining principles of psychiatry/mental health, education/learning, artistic and creative development, philosophy, a generic non-denominational approach to rational spirituality, aspects of sociology and social psychology, human development, community development, and other fields into a fresh approach to potential, fulfillment and well-being.
The Transformative Impact of True Learning
Effective learning about self and situation is an engine that can drive positive change and meaningful progress.
Premium Degree
A rare degree of breadth, depth and professional rigor makes TDS exceptional among usual training programs and can’t be compared to coaching services.
TDS is distinguished by premium-grade services that are founded upon a deep integration and earnest employment of significant experience and study in a wide array of fields and issues – carrying with them a physician and psychiatrist’s level of knowledge, thinking and skill; combined with a thoughtful understanding of a broad spectrum of other experience into a solid innovative working model – bringing a unique caliber of inquiry and assistance to life and work situations, ready to address a range of essential factors for change and growth with a superior degree of professional attention and scientific discipline, distinctively balanced with creativity and a “streetwise” quality that “keeps it real,” holistic and human.
Specialized application of transformative principles to each client’s situation is the aim of these premium services.
Therefore TDS won’t resort to shortcuts, cliches, platitudes, slogans, gimmicks or sound bites commonly used by other coaching and training services – because for many people, these don’t lead to genuine lasting progress.

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